Bad girls

Sorry for not being such a good blogger at the moment. The beaches here kind of took us away from the 
civilisation for a time. But now we are back! or well, we are still addicted to the beach and the ocean.. of course..

Anyway, what happen the last couple of days (weeks?). We arrived in Vietnam eh.. two weeks ago? After an horrible night on the train from the Chinese border we arrived in Hanoi at 4 a clock in the morning, got picked up by a "hotelguy", and we were so proud that we didnt went in his black scary car and grabed a taxi instead, and went to sleep in the most comfortable beds ever! The days in Hanoi, which we really liked, we spent on musuems and eating at street stalls and drinking the local beer.

Halong Bay was reeeeally beautiful! amazing nature and ofcourse the ocean!! But... It was freeking cold there ( not comparing to china but still..) and the sawedish girls were dying for some hot weather so we just spent a couple of days there.

Hoi an was the next place and we can just say this, after Vang Vieng this was awsome! Perhaps not if you want to see the "real Vietnam" but we just needed a break from all the experienses so it was perfect. Hoi an is actually on the UNESCOs worlds heritage list (as all the places we visit!) and we realise now, after leaving it that it was beautiful.  We spent almost a week in Hoi an, meeting a lot of new people, mostly englishmen and some irish. Trying to not hang out with to many swedish fellows.

After a week on the beach we are now in Nha Trang, making our way down south. We are traveling with a guy from England, the same one who took the "easterpicture" of us. He is a good laught, very differnet from us which makes it even more fun. Renting dwarfs? Riding a fake horse? Whissel? Stucked in a rollercoster? Yes sir. We are sharing the most beautiful room, with AC and a nice balcony. 
Today we spent a lot of hours out on a island, a very very special island. The most weird place ever. It is the "island of fun". Indoorgames, rollercoster and more, waterpark and underwaterpark. You can just imagine how happy Julia was!! I on the other hand was the parent walking around with all the cloths and bags ect.. BUT, I enjoyed the aquarium a lot! And ofcourse, the worlds longest (over sea) cable car which took you from the mainland to the island. I most say that our culture afternoon the other day was a bit more giving. But it was totally worth the money  just to see Julia being so happy!! ( I ean otherwise she is just soo sad on this trip....)

We havent found any place in this country where you can upload pics so you just have to hold on!

The plan is now to stay here a couple o days, then do Da Lat which is up in the mountains, then Mui ne by the cost and finish up in Saigon..


Postat av: Your beloved Grandma

I'm going to Halong Bay at the start of June with little Malit and Dennis (Va Farn!) for a few days and then down to Angkor Wat, and then an Island in south of Thailand somewhere. Then moving to Mexico with T2T my little chickens. Where will you be at the start of June (around the 15th?) maybe I could meet up with you somewhere.

Missing you both lots, be good girls now!!

2009-04-20 @ 06:41:10

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