Favorite quotes

Dan to Julia " Why do you wearing black nail polish? Do you want to talk about something, are u depressed?"

Natalie "Fuck I need to go to Lao"

Renee " The Saaweeedish girls...."

Ben " Fuck, I made the happiest boy cry today!"

The monks to Tilak " You looks like Joker in Batman...."

Max " So you are the Swedish girls who danced "Small frogs" in front of the monks?"

David aka Jude Law "So you are the blond butcher from Sweden who wears Dr Martens, bow tie and loves to drink beer?"

Klara " But itsn't fastfood. It's streetfood."

Postat av: Cilla

Hahaha jag dör åt "So you are the blond butcher from Sweden who wears Dr Martens, bow tie and loves to drink beer?". Killen fångar din själ med nitton ord! Måste komma ihåg att skriva ner det så att jag kan ta med det i talet till din femtioårsdag.

2009-02-26 @ 15:36:37
URL: http://paris.webblogg.se/

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